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Figgy’s story of ‘elf esteem, in her own words

I’ve been really stressed this year. It’s been a year of ups and downs.

Despite all the dramas, on occasions, Santa has said I’ve been a naughty elf. To be honest, it’s got me down a bit and my ‘elf esteem has been knocked a bit.

Last week, after a particularly busy night causing mischief, I was overtired and snapped.

I thought ‘that’s enough, something HAS to change’.

I needed to turn over a new leaf and get back to the old me, find myself again.

I’m at my Christmas home at the moment, having lots of naughty fun. But between you and me, I’m not really feeling it this year.

I’d seen some ‘interesting’ portraits the mum here has on her wall and listened to her telling her best friend Mary how she felt proud and loved herself again.

How could I get the same feeling?

I googled the team at Johanna Elizabeth and booked straight away! I thought they’d be a bit ‘elfist’ but they weren’t. They were excited and promised me that they would make me feel like a million dollars!

So, I booked in!

Wow…what a day!

A makeover with tickly brushes…

Then, it was time to shoot

Boy was I put through my paces!

I felt…beautiful, for the first time in a long time!

So much joy… I felt invincible!

Related reading: Mrs Claus’ festive self-empowerment photoshoot

I definitely unleashed my inner elf

I couldn’t stop smiling!

I felt SO elegant

I started to think, ‘I can’t wait for the other elves to see these!’

As the shoot was coming to an end, Jo suggested we make the most of my new confidence and push the boundaries. I’m not used to that! I threw caution to the wind.

Bodyscape shots sounded really beautiful, but I’d need to be brave!

It was over! I’ve never had so much fun. I felt invincible!

So, today was my reveal session

It was so exciting, although I felt a little sick with nerves. I needn’t have worried though. Wow!

I DID need a mug of rum & coke for courage though…

A story of ‘elf’ Esteem

Finally, I can see myself again. The elf I’d long forgotten.

I’m here. I’m proud and very, very happy! Thank you Johanna Elizabeth.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Love, Figgy Twinklebuns


If YOU would love to join me in the incredible feeling contact the team to take that exciting first step on your journey with Johanna Elizabeth.

Related reading: Halloween boudoir: A spine-tingling, boneafide BOOdoir transformation

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