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As 2017 came to an end, I realised that I really wanted to collect an inspirational series of stories to start 2018 off to a positive BANG!
Every week at Johanna Elizabeth, I am touched at the emotional stories…many of which can be seen in my portrait page reviews and our boudoir page reviews!

So, the ‘Love You Challenge’ was created.
I find out why these unique people, applied and how their journey with us…really made a difference.

Only intended to last a few weeks, I got such a phenomenal response… that I am still shooting these amazing men and women!

This is all about Tarren, who’s been on a phenomenal weightloss journey after her first shoot with us a few years ago!

I first came to you a couple of years ago, I was not happy with myself, I had medical issues and was quite overweight and I just kind of melted into the background. My husband and my friends all said that I was more than I thought I was.

So I thought I would give the competition a go to win a photo shoot with yourselves.
I was very shocked to be chosen and was very nervous to be doing a boudoir shoot.
Having all of me, and only me in the photos was very worrying for me.
I did not like being centre of attention. But the girls were very easy going and did try to alleviate some of my fears, they were fantastic.
I did the shoot, and forgot for the moment all of my worries and hang ups about myself, it was great fun.
Then on the reveal, I was so amazed at the pictures, they were stunning.
I had never seen myself in that way, and was so surprised that I could look like that. It was a real confidence boost and my husband said that was what he saw all along.
Since then I have had a few surgeries and lost alot of weight, and thought it would be a wonderful way to showcase me again. I was quite self contious of my scars and loose skin, but again the ladies were phenomenal at putting me at ease.
I had another fantastic time and some very different pictures, as I could move better this time.
At the reveal again I was completely surprised at the results again, they were beautiful.
So very different but still the same.
To see myself in that way is such a weird feeling, as I am not one to put myself out there.
The ladies are amazing they do a fantastic job in building confidence and showing who we are when we forget, and who we are beneath the layers.
Thank you, for all that you have done, you are very special, lovely ladies and I thank you all for everything that you have done for me.
Thank you again

Tarren, I’m so very honoured and it was amazing seeing you again!

Follow me as even more ‘Love You Challenge’ stories unfold here at Johanna Elizabeth…

If you’d like to feel the way that Tarren does now – contact me and my team here and let’s get you on your own journey!
Love Jo

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