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I recently celebrated my 12th year in business – go me!! Reflecting on those past twelve years photographing women has made me realise how flippin’ far I’ve come in that time!

While I’ve always been fabulous at what I do, naturally, over the past decade I’ve been able to experiment, work out what I love doing, refining my offer and honing my skills.

12 years of Johanna Elizabeth

The leading empowerment photography studio in the UK

More than 7000 women have now walked through my doors. They’ve all left with a smile on their face, a spring in their step and oozing with new-found confidence.

My little photography studio here in Havant, Hampshire, is also now well-known and widely regarded, and all types of women are travelling from across the country to be photographed by me.

How humbling is it to think that the Johanna Elizabeth experience is so well sought after! It’s been 12 years of hard work to get to this point, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Related reading: Your boudoir portrait session is the perfect excuse for a mini-break in Hampshire!

Celebrating the journey so far

Without a doubt, it’s been incredibly tough at times (being forced to close the studio during lockdown was probably my lowest moment), but it’s been rewarding in so many ways too!

The fabulous clients I’ve worked with, and the art I’ve been able to create in collaboration with my clients over the years, are all highlights of our wonderful 12-year journey so far.

THANK YOU for being part of it!

Smiling brunette lady looking at the camera

Related reading: I’m featured on The Second Chapter podcast

Empowering and confidence-boosting photoshoots for women

As I enter my 13th year, it’s clear as crystal to me who I am here to serve…

…Incredible women who want to feel seen and empowered.

  1. The perfect pick me up!

My luxury beauty and boudoir photoshoots are an unbelievable boost for those of you who experience low self-esteem and who want to finally exist in photos.

Stylish, classic photos are my trademark, and I take the time to carefully and sensitively explore what empowerment means to each of my treasured clients.

Since every shoot is unique and custom-designed to your individual preferences, I can create whatever it is that you’re looking for. Please know that clothes can most definitely stay on if you wish!

Related reading: Invest in your self-worth with professional photography

  1. A chance to push the boundaries!

My photoshoots are also for the more confident of women to have fun and push the boundaries.

My new ‘SPICE’ style is an exciting example of women expressing themselves creatively with us in a way they might never have done before.

It’s brilliant to see that more and more of you are trusting me to take your place in the spotlight, and to really own and celebrate who you are! A little bit of spice is most definitely nice!

Related reading: Nude boudoir: Ready to add some ‘spice’ into your life?

Woman with tussled hair over her face and thumb in mouth

Three things I’ve learnt from 12 years photographing women

In the 12 years I’ve photographed women, a few key things that I’ve discovered are:

  • The power of putting yourself first

So many of us women struggle to prioritise ourselves. We almost always put ourselves after others.

Be honest. When was the last time you did something just for you? If it’s been a while, why not give yourself permission to do something for yourself for once?

Here at Johanna Elizabeth, my belief is that we are ALL deserving of good things.

Related reading: An empowering photoshoot with us will put the spring back in your step!

  • The importance of existing in photos

You’re present in the lives of your family and friends, but do you exist in photographs? Do you have photos of yourself that you love, that are a legacy for the future?

Women are often behind the camera and so miss out on being captured in photos. Or, we are photographed, but are never satisfied with the results. Am I right?

Imagine what it would feel like to finally have photos of yourself that you love. (Hint – we can help with that!)

  • The joy of community and connection

There’s nothing that lights me up more than knowing that I have helped my clients and have been a positive force in their lives.

I love keeping in touch with women I’ve worked with.

Clients return to me again and again (the empowerment you gain from working with me can become addictive!), and this is wonderful! Having the opportunity to get to know my clients better, and to become genuine friends, is truly heart-warming.

Related reading: Are you ready for your next boudoir shoot?

Two female portraits taken during empowerment photoshoots with Johanna Elizabeth

Contact me to book your empowerment photoshoot

Whether you’re in need of a confidence boost or already have self-love by the bucket load, I have something for you here at my portrait studio, and I welcome all women!

I see you. I am you! I know your struggles and I’m here to look after you.

I have crafted a photography experience that will celebrate and honour you in a way that can be life-changing, so if you ever caught yourself thinking that you are not enough, we need to talk!

Contact me here in the studio when you’re ready, and let’s begin on the journey to rekindle (or unleash) your inner fire!



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