I am a woman, soon turning 50.
My body has grown and birthed two humans and I’m currently battling peri-menopause and all the joys that brings (sarcasm).
I don’t recognise myself anymore.
My neurospicy, high stress ‘lack of thyroid’ life has gifted me a body that I struggle to love every day, to be kind to.
Most of these struggles, I know are between my ears, but I still try.
Those two humans I mentioned? They’re my daughters.
I do all I can to protect them from the pressures society and the media places on them, non physical compliments etc. but it’s hard isn’t it?
Maybe, just maybe, I can amplify the support I give all women to self heal, creating a ripple effect to their loved ones too.
In my own way, play a small part in protecting women now and in the future.
Did you know that ‘GirlGuiding’ the largest girl’s charity in the UK hold a ‘Girl’s Attitude’ survey every year?
It’s some sobering reading.
I read, that 57% of 7-10yr old girls report being happy with their bodies.
This shockingly drops to 16% of 11-16yr olds.
Add to this the negative impact of body dissatisfaction in later life.
It was written in a recent government report that women with longstanding body image problems feel even more invisible, with society’s focus on young and middle-aged people.
We all feel that, don’t we?
Time and time again, my vocation here at my Hampshire studio, my art, liberates women from the shackles of self loathing.
It’s simply a glorious honour, to witness and facilitate such magic!
So, when my brain sparked with this idea, I knew it’s work could go out into the world powerfully (and sometimes subtly) altering the story of body positivity one frame at a time.
Imagine a cosy and private studio, with only me, drinks/snacks and lots of giggles.
I KNOW how terrifying it is, especially showing yourself to a relative stranger.
I promise it’s like we’re friends though – however I’m looking at you with a creative, non judgement eye. Been before? You KNOW this already!
Music playing, a good chat AND a bit of guided posing.
That’s it, that’s all I ask from you.
I want to focus and celebrate on the beautiful parts that make you whole. Celebrate your curves and corners.
Take you on a journey with me.
Imagine a framed art piece with 9 INCREDIBLE images that work together as a whole.
Showing you that you are enough and leave you proudly feeling and saying…
‘I love ALL of ME’
Every time you lay your eyes upon it.
Every time you lay your eyes upon YOU.
Love to know more? Fill in the form and I will be in touch asap!