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With age, we mature and grow into wonderful women, but even though we are older, wiser and more empowered than ever, it can still be easy to forget our true value.

When life takes a difficult turn, our confidence can be knocked, and our sense of self-worth may take a nosedive.

This is why I recently asked some of my wonderful clients to think about what they would say to their 18-year-old selves, to boost their confidence, if they had the chance.

The new ‘Note to Self’ Series

I’ve collated these words of wisdom into a ‘Note to Self’ e-book and, in this new blog series, I’ll be sharing the stories in the hope that they inspire you.

Since their teens, these women have lived, loved and learnt so much. I felt that we could all benefit from their experiences and advice.

In this edition, you’ll meet Ange.

Ange’s ‘Note to Self’…

Dear Ange,

Here are a few things that I wish you knew then that I have learnt now.


Your worth is not defined by anyone but you! People will only value you as much as you value yourself. It is not calculated by others views, impressions or what they think you can or cannot do.

Listen to your gut. Own it and do what you feel is right for you. You are good enough. You deserve love, respect and honesty. If it doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t.

You are more powerful than you know. You can do whatever you set out to do.

Ange at 18 years old


Stop trying to be what everyone else wants you to be. You will just make it harder in the long run. You will end up rebelling (hard).

Just be kind to yourself, listen to your gut and trust you know what is right for your body.

You don’t need to diet, you don’t need to be thin to be loved. You are not ugly, fat, worthless because your jeans don’t fit. Fad diets do not work, they are not healthy.

Learn to love your incredible body for it will take you further then you could ever imagine. Worship it!


Ange in the studio



You will have high highs and low lows. Learn to lean on your people, they will pick you up when you need it. You will learn who these people are in time, they are the ones that support, love and care for you no matter what. They will become your tribe.


Sometimes life is easier just to take the easy route, but just know that sometimes you have to make that change. No matter how scary those changes might be! Some of those changes led you to where you are today.

You have wonderful children and an amazing job. These are the things that make you start to see who you really are.

You get to work alongside amazing women who empower, lift and support other, every single day!

You are part of these mesmerising transformations of other women’s self-worth and self-love!  Being able to help so many women go on their own incredible journeys and begin the most beautiful relationships with themselves – to find themselves.

It will help you find who you are. Working at Johanna Elizabeth will continue to feed your soul as well as to shape and mould so many other worlds.

So trust your gut, follow your heart and it will lead you to your calling x

Thank you, Ange!

There’s so much to love in what you’ve shared here! I’m thrilled you’ve discovered your worth.

Keep on being you! There is no stopping you from achieving whatever you want in life. You are amazing.

Access the free Johanna Elizabeth ‘Note to Self’ book

Note to Self is a beautifully designed e-book with many more stories like this, and it’s completely free. I created it, especially for you, so don’t miss out! Access it here

You can also view others in the series here on the blog. Don’t miss these!

Love Johanna


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